Create Better Lawns with Garden Box & NZLA
Autumn is an ideal time to improve your lawn. Need to Scarify or Aerate your lawn – get $10 off NZLA’s fantastic lawn care products when you hire any of the following equipment:
Scarifier - 3 models to choose from starting at $50 for a half day - Remove the dead thatch from the lawn to improve grass health
Aerator – $80 for half day - Improve drainage and soil health
Turf Cutter - $125 for half day - Need to start again – remove the old turf!
Visit to review options and make a booking.Drop in for a chat or give the team a call on 03 3482915
Other lawncare products for your autumn project:
Lawn Construction Soil
Lawn Topdressing
Hand tools including soil rakes, levelling bars, topdressing and water filled rollers.
Check out our shop for the largest retail range of NZLA Lawn care products.
Create Better Lawns with Garden Box & NZLA – get your bookings in now 😊
NZLA $10 off is available to 31 March 2025, products to be purchased at time of hire.